Tissue cultured papaya plants:-
Papaya is a popular fruit famous for its high nutritive and medicinal values. It comes early in bearing than any other fruit crop, produces fruits in less than a year and the production of fruits is quite high per unit area. Papaya is cultivated more or less on a commercial scale in the foothills and plain valleys of all states of the north eastern region. As per statistics available 3,670 hectares yield 47,280 tonnes of papaya annually. It is the fourth important crop of this region. Among the hill states, Mizoram has the largest area under this crop, followed by Tripura and Manipur, While in production Manipur contributes the maximum, followed by Tripura and Mizoram. Papaya is a native crop of Mexico, and was introduced in India in the 16th century. Now it has become popular all over India and is the fifth most commercially important fruit of the country.
Total annual world production is estimated at 6 million tonnes of fruits. India leads the world in papaya production with an annual output of about 3 million tonnes. Other leading producers are Brazil, Mexico, Nigeria, Indonesia, China, Peru, Thailand and Philippines.
Climate Condition for papaya planting:
Papaya is basically a tropical plant. However, it also grows well in sub-tropical parts. Those foot hills which enjoy a mild winter are ideal for papaya cultivation. Low temperature and frost limit its cultivation in higher altitudes. Excessively cold nights cause the fruits to mature slowly and to be of poor quality in winter season. It can be grown from the sea level to an altitude of 1000 metres, but above an altitude of 600 metres, size and quality of fruits gradually decreases. As it grows in sub-tropical and tropical climates, it can be cultivated in a temperature range of 25-35˚C. In this region it can be grown successfully as a rain fed crop in areas with 1500-2000 mm of evenly distributed annual rainfall, though yield may be poor when compared to an irrigated crop, because winter drought restricts development of the plants and the fruits. High humidity affects the sweetness of the fruits. Fruits tend to lose their sweetness in low temperature also. A warm and dry climate is needed during ripening season. It can’t withstand strong winds being a tender and shallow-rooted plant.
Best planting time for papaya farming:
Papaya is planted during (Feb – March), (June – July) and (October – November).
Spacing between papaya plants:
A spacing of 1.8*1.8 m. is normally followed. However higher density
Planting method of papaya farming:
The seedlings are planted in pits of 60x60x60 cm. size. In the summer months the pits are dug about a fortnight before planting. The pits are filled with top soil along with 20 kg. Of farmyard manure. 1 kg. neem cake and 1 kg. Bone meal. Tall and vigorous varieties are planted at greater spacing while medium and dwarf ones at closer spacing.
Irrigation/water supply in papaya farming:
The irrigation schedule is fixed on the basis of soil type and weather conditions of the region. Protective irrigation is provided in the first year of planting. During the second year, irrigation is provided at fortnightly interval in winter and at an interval of 10 days in summer. Basin system of irrigation is mostly followed. In areas having low rainfall, sprinkler or drip system can be adopted.
Yield of papaya crop:
In Papaya Farming, a tree with good management produces 25 to 40 fruits weighing 40to 60 kg in the first 15 to 18 months.
Year Approximate yield | (kg/hr) |
1st | 150 – 200 |
2nd | 200 – 250 |
3rd | 75-100 |
Mode of Application/ Agronomy
Soil: A well-drained sandy loam soil rich in organic matter > 20% is the best for papaya cultivation.
Climatic: It is tropical plant but can grow very well in sub-tropical regions.
Season of Planting: Feb – March (Summer), June – July (Monsoon) and September – October (Early Winter).
Spacing: 7 x 6 ft. or 8 x 6 ft.
Days to flowering: 7 to 8 months after planting
Harvesting: Fruit become ready within 2 to 2.5 months after flowering
Yield /plant: 50 to 70 kg / plant / year